
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Deciding Your Blog Name

Whenever you select a blog name, you do not just select a blog name.
Actually, you select a brand name. At the time of your blogging journey, it might not seem a huge deal to go with a brandable name. But in the future, when your blog gets popular, the blog name would matter a lot. Hence it is extremely important for you to pick the right domain name in the first place only.
However, to make you understand in a better way how to decide a domain name.

I am going to talk about 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Deciding Your Blog Name. So let's just head into the topic without wasting much of the time: 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Deciding Your Blog Name 1. Tough To PronounceOne of the first things that need to make sure that your domain name is not tough to pronounce.

You might be someone who speaks fluent English and can pronounce words in a perfect way. But there are quite a lot of non-English speaker users available online who finds it hard to pronounce some of the English words. Now you must be wondering how it would make any difference?

Well, let me answer the question for you: Well, what if your blog becomes quite popular someday? People will obviously start suggesting your blog to others. For example, if your blog talks about credit cards, then someone can obviously suggest someone about your blog who is interested in knowing about credit cards.
Like we usually do suggest shopping sites name to our friends and family members. However, Wordpress Plugins in such case, if your blog name is hard to pronounce. Then the user will pronounce a wrong name, Html and the other person will get the same. As a result, they won't visit your website.

As a result, you are losing a visitor and most importantly a customer. Even if the name is not hard to pronounce, then it is easy to remember as well. As a result, your visitors will come back to your website by typing down the domain name. So by keeping easy to pronounce a name, you are just helping your blog readers to find your blog easily.

2. Being Super TrendyAlso, you better find a domain name which is not super trendy. Of course, being trendy is cool. But sometimes it can create stupid issues which can be difficult for you. If you are going to pick a domain which contains certain words, phrases, Html characters, Free Themes Download [https://benefitswiki.diomedea-ag.com/index.php?title=Creating_Blog_Structure_That_Are_Compelling_And_Easy_To_Read] and misspelling.

Then there is a high chance the domain name is not good enough for your website. For example, whenever you tell someone to look into Flickr.com. People usually would go ahead and look for flicker.com. As the name of the website sounds in that way. Even Flickr being a popular photo website did face the issue.

And then they finally purchased flicker.com to clear out the confusion. Your trendy domain name might sound cool to you. But there are quite a lot of chances that your website name might not sound as good as it is today.

Even, Free Download if you are picking up an odd sounding name. Then it will only confuse the users around. Although, Opencart you can also buy the common misspelling domain names for your blog. For example, Amazon.com has purchased Amzon.com. So even if the user makes a simple mistake in the domain name, they won't get lost.

But the drawback over here is that you will need to purchase and renew all the common misspelling domain names for your website. 3. Go For A.COM Domain OnlyThe last and most important advice I would give you is to go with a .com domain only. Why? Because it is popular.

Whenever someone types down a domain name to the address bar, they always type down .com at the end of it. Even not just the users, Woocommerce Themes most of the browsers often suggests .com extension after you type down a name. As a result, if you are going with some other domain extension, then there is a high chance that you are going to lose visitors.
Moreover, in case if the .com domain is not available. Then there is a high chance the .com domain used by somebody. And in case if the domain falls under the copyright rules. Then you might face some issues with your domain name. And Free Download in the end, Free Themes (http://blog.to-be-strong.de/elanmuskeltipp-nr9-wozu-erholung-und-man-nicht-tun-sollte) you may have to leave your domain name.

Moreover, if you choose to go with a country specific domain name like .ca or .in, then your website will only be ranking in a specific country because of different Google SEO aspects. But on the other hand, if you want to target your blog globally, .com is the option you must go with.
Conclusion:So those were the 3 mistakes to avoid when deciding your blog name. Also, if you need help with a domain name, then you can use a domain generator and it will help you with some of the nice names. Anyway, if you have any more questions, then do comment below.

I am Santanu Debnath.
A passionate blogger & Wordpress Themes enthusiast. I love to help people to set up their blog and educate them on <a website to Start a blog and earn money through my blog bloggingjoy

How to Start a Blog in India

If this whole lockdown thing has inspired you to take action and Nulled (Mansion365.Org) start your blog that you have wanted for a long time, you have landed in the right place.
Because in this article I'm sharing from the zero ground how to start blogging in India. Step 1.

— Start with a IdeaEveryone is passionate about something or other. You might be passionate about your work or really like to talk about new trends in fashion. Maybe you are a storyteller who likes to tell stories. And you might have ideas about business because you are a budding entrepreneur.
You can start a blog about anything you are really passionate about. Step 2. — Research Your NicheOnce you have an idea for your blog, now it's time to figure out the niche that your blog belongs to. Find out what kind of content is already being published on the internet and what is that people are looking for but can't find.

Now, research for related keywords to your niche and note them down. Step 3. — Build a BlogTo build a blog you will need few things: Blog Name: Decide on a blog name that reflects your niche and your own personality. A blog and Free Themes Free Download blogger aren't separated.

People read a blog because they know and Free Plugins trust bloggers. Blog names like 'Journal of Yoga Girl', 'Pink Queen's Closet' are examples of that. Purpose of blog: Define a purpose of your blog. What kind of information you would like to share, what will be your source of information and what can people expect from your blog.

Theme of blog: game-bai.com Decide on what theme you are going to base your blog. Will you make it a personal blog? Or just share information like a news website? Are you gonna make it a review blog or just share your honest opinion on world politics? Decide a theme and work around it.
A blogging platform: At the initial stage of blogging if you don't want to make a monetary investment in your blog, start with free blogging platforms like WordPress, lib.danhand.cn Blooger and Free Download HubPage. There are limitations but you will find your writing flow and build a habit to write.

Once you have enough readers you can switch to building your own website. 4. Reach your audienceFirst, define your target audience. What kind of people will want to read your blogs? What jobs will they be doing?
What will be their interests? E Make a profile for your audience and then reach out to them on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Snapchat. Engage with them in a productive manner. Solve their problems without any expectation and people will appreciate that.

5. Learn Little SEOLearning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will help you reach more audiences who are looking for the kind of content you are providing. Start from basic SEO like keyword focusing, content structure, backlinks, Opencart meta description, meta title and Wordpress Plugins Domain authority.

Work on on page and off page SEO simultaneously. There are many online courses available for those who want to learn SEO. Enroll yourself for one of those courses and learn. Then implement what you learnt for your blog. 6. Promote Your BlogTo promote your blog you need to have an understanding of how the internet works.

The content you are sharing needs to be relevant to people, the number of these people is the size of your targeted audiences. Now learn how and where this target audience interacts with the internet and meet them there. If your target audiences are ones with a craze for fashion, you will find them scrolling through their Instagram feed and following huge fashion influencers.

So for fashion blogs, you will have to have an attractive Instagram profile to redirect them to your blog from there. For a political opinion blog, your audience will be on Twitter, scrolling through their feed, retweeting tweets from their favourite politicians.
Go meet them there and give them something worthy of retweeting. Share with that hot political news they can't stop themselves from sharing with others. To rank higher on search engines like Google follow their algorithm. Create content that's useful and with the right keywords in it.

Use structured content to be rank worthy. Analyze your audience and share content accordingly. 7. Monetize Your BlogThe ultimate goal of any blogger is to be able to earn passive income from a blog. If you are in it for money, first of all keep patient.
It takes time to be able to earn money from a blog. But once there is enough traffic on your blog, there are more than one ways you can start monetizing your blog. Some of them are Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Online Courses and Selling E-books.

Prachi Gupta is a content specialist. She has worked in multiple niches.
She has shared her information about <a website to start a Blog in India , You can check out from here.